The contact lens prescription will include the lens brand along with the paremeters, such as power, base curve and diameter and any additional fields, such as Cylinder, Axis and Add power. cannot alter a patient's prescription with-out the prior written consent from the eye doctor's office. There may only the circumstance of altering the lens brand of a contact lens due to 'Signature & Private' label, which is explained below.
Signature & Private Brands
Sometimes lens manufacturers sell a particular lens under multiple brand names: for example, they may create private-label brands for large eye care practices or specific optical chains only. If your prescription calls for a private-label lens, we will change the order to the alternate brand name which will have the same lens, just different packaging.
Incomplete Prescriptions
Many times the doctor does not write out the entire contact lens prescription, such as the base curve and diameter. However, the online contact lens order form will guide you to the available options in which the lens is manufactured in. Most of the time each type of lens is made in 1 base curve and diameter.
Non-Matching Base Curve & Diameter
Many times the doctor does not write the correct base curve and/or diameter of a particular lens brand on the patient's prescription. The lens brand is manufactured in one particular range of these measurements only, therefore, this may confuse customers/patient's. In any case, the prescription will be verified prior to processing, therefore, you may rest assured that the proper contacts will be sent to you.
Reading Tips
- When you don't see decimal points, then it's usually because the doctor left them out. There is usually a decimal point fixed before two numbers from the right. For example, a
should be-1.00
- In many cases, you will see blank fields on your prescription. This is because your prescription does not require those fields. They may be ignored and left blank during your order.
- For a better understanding of the abbreviations and prescriptions terms used, please view our Vision Glossary
- Still have prescription related questions? View our Prescription FAQ